Past News Articles
Hello clan family,
We are so looking forward to meeting you in Athlone. I would like to take a minute to share a few last minute instructions. For a detailed ag……..
It’s now April and plans are firming up for the Clan Egan Rally in Athlone, Ireland from June 12 -
December, 2022
Dear friends, A chaire,
December, 2022
Dear friends, A chaire,
In a world of everchanging landscapes- both political and environmental- it would be hard to……
Athlone Ireland 2023 Information
Start planning now: The next Clan Egan Rally will be held in Athlone, Ireland from…..
Summer 2022 Newsletter
2022 Rally in Brisbane, Australia
The 20th International gathering…..
One of the saddest moments of 2021 for Clan Egan and his beloved family was the passing of our long-time leader, Michael J. S. Egan. Here is a commemorative newsletter with tributes and photos from all over the world for his many and great contribution…
Clan Egan is pleased to announce that Katrina Egan has agreed to be our new Chief, Mac Aodhagáin and Taoiseach. Katrina is the eldest child of Michael J. S. Egan, who passed away on September 9, 2021 and had bee…
Our Clan Mac Aodhagáin, Michael J.S. Egan passed away on September 9, 2021 and will be greatly mis....
The 2022 Clan Egan Rally will be held in and around Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. Brisbane is a popular tourist destination with easy access to the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas of Australia…
When I drafted my Christmas greetings last year I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams all of the events which were soon to unfold.
Posted June 2023
Summer 2023 Newsletter
For more information please click here -> PDF
Posted June 2023
Athlone Rally 2023 Update
Hello clan family,
We are so looking forward to meeting you in Athlone. I would like to take a minute to share a few last minute instructions. For a detailed agenda, see the Rallies section of the website.
The Rally will begin after lunch on the 13th June and there are activities planned for each day. The Sheraton Hotel in Athlone will be the main focus for activities- the registration will happen in the lobby and the bus will leave from there each morning. The agenda plan includes lunches for Wed, Thurs, and Fri which are all prebooked. Your hotel rate (which you will settle individually with the hotel) includes a breakfast.
In order to allow a little agility we have not booked evening Dinners- however, there are some restaurants and pubs listed at the end of the agenda (attached) and we will provide more suggestions at the registration.
The Egan Clan Rally Banquet (also in Sheraton Hotel) on the 17th is included in the registration fee. At the registration desk (in the Sheraton Hotel in Athlone), we will provide some informal evening suggestions (pub music etc!) and we will try to keep the group together- always good fun!
The hotel is very central with good parking and shopping options. Athlone is a great town!
Weatherwise! Ireland in June…. it could be shorts/ shirts/ jeans/ pullovers/ rainjackets etc. Please bring comfortable sneakers for walking. But if you do forget something « Dont worry! » there are shops nearby!
Registration costs:
Adult 350 Euro per person
Child (15 and under ): 265 Euros
infant : under 5 free
For those not attending the rally but interested in attending the Banquet the cost is :
90Euro per adult and 50E per child (18 and under)- the difference being alcohol costs.
Please use the Clan Egan Association contact email address on this website to obtain bank information for payment of registration costs if you wish to do so. Note that payment is due now before the start of the Rally.
Le gach dea-ghui (Kind regards!)
Katrina Egan-Costello
Chief of Clan
For more information please click here -> PDF
Posted March 2023
Athlone Rally 2023 Update
It’s now April and plans are firming up for the Clan Egan Rally in Athlone, Ireland from June 12 -18 2023. A tasting session with Egan’s Irish Whisky will soon be added at the Sheraton Athlone Hotel. The Hotel has indicated that they will only keep the special Clan Egan rates and rooms reserved for another couple of weeks, so be sure to make your reservation soon if you plan to go. For planning purposes regarding the buses, tours and meals, please let Larry Agin know at if you are planning to attend and how many will be in your party. Important note: The 350 Euros registration fee per person will be payable in advance by international bank transfer by 1st June. This fee covers transportation, admission, guides and lunches for the four days of touring plus the banquet at the hotel on Saturday night. Details on bank account coming soon. Remember that our Association members who attend the Rally with dues paid for 2022 and 2023 will receive a rebate of $20 per person, payable to their email by Zelle. Below is the agenda as it now stands: 12 Mon Arrival and registration 13 Tue AM: Athlone Castle and walking tour of the historic town of Athlone Lunch: at hotel PM: Open 14 Wed AM: Strokestown Castle and National Famine Museum Lunch: at Strokestown PM: Visit Redwood Castle and Clonberne 15 Thu AM: Aughrim Interpretive Centre Lunch: Gullanes Hotel PM: Open 16 Fri AM: Viking boat to Clonmacnoise Lunch: Shannonbridge Fort PM: Drum Heritage Centre 17 Sat AM: Chapter Meetings and historical presentations at hotel Lunch: Hotel PM: Open Eve: Banquet at hotel
18 Sun: Mass and departure.
For more information please click here -> PDF
Posted December 2022
Christmas Message
December, 2022
Dear friends, A chaire,
December, 2022
Dear friends, A chaire,
In a world of everchanging landscapes- both political and environmental- it would be hard to
overstate the importance of family. Sadly our global clan lost family this year and to those families
we extend our deepest sympathy on their loss. The circle of life has (happily) provided us the joy of
many new clan children and grandchildren- congratulations to them! The energy of the warmth and
camaraderie at the Clan meeting in Adelaide enforced the importance of friendships and more
pointedly, the importance of our Egan clan. Thanks again to Greg and Sue for such a successful
Despite many global uncertainties, especially the worrying situation in Ukraine, we remember to
continue to hold close those near to us. We reflect on 2022 opportunities (seized and missed), our
learnings, those we love, and the journey we enjoy together. I wish for us all that this end of year is
a time for celebration and optimism for 2023.
I am delighted to confirm that the Clan Rally 2023 will take place in Ireland from 12-18th June 2023
in the Sheraton Hotel in Athlone. Athlone is geographically located right in the heart of Ireland and
sits on the river Shannon on the banks of one of the largest lakes in Ireland. It is a truly beautiful
part of Ireland! We are working on a full program of visits each day to a variety of sites and ancient
monuments linked to our Egan history. As always, it will be interactive and inclusive and we
welcome anyone with any level of interest or curiosity and knowledge. Children of all ages are
welcome – there is plenty to do!
Anyone wishing to reserve in the hotel should do so directly with them– there is no reservation
code so please inform customer service that you are with Clan Egan – they await our calls.
For now I sign off by wishing you and your families happy holidays and continuing good health. I
hope to see you in Ireland for Guinness, fun, music and stories.
Laethanta Saoire Nollag sona daoibh féin agus do do theaghlaigh go leir.
Katrina Egan
For more information please click here -> PDF
Posted December 2022
Athlone Ireland 2023 Information
Athlone Ireland 2023 Rally
Start planning now: The next Clan Egan Rally will be held in Athlone, Ireland from June 12-18, 2023. The tentative itinerary below shows the many tours and activities planned featuring Egan history in Ireland and best of all will be the camaraderie with your fellow Clan Egan members. The host hotel will the modern 4-star Sheraton Athlone in the town center near the River Shannon with nearby pubs, shops and attractions.
For more information please click here -> PDF
Posted August 2022
Summer 2022 Rally
Summer 2022 Newsletter
2022 Rally in Brisbane, Australia
The 20th International gathering of the Clan Egan
The 2022 Clan Egan Rally in Brisbane, Australia went well for these Covid
times with overall enthusiasm and enjoyment. More than 80 people attended
the river cruise and banquet with good turnouts also for the town tour,
historical presentations and chapter meetings as well. Brisbane was a
beautiful site for a fine Rally, with special thanks to organizers Greg and Sue
Egan and Kevin Egan. More coverage on following pages.
For a downloadable copy please click here -> PDF
Posted May 2022
Brisbane Australia Rally 2022
Posted February 2022
Memorial Newsletter for Michael JS Egan
One of the saddest moments of 2021 for Clan Egan and his beloved family was the passing of our long-time leader, Michael J. S. Egan. Here is a commemorative newsletter with tributes and photos from all over the world for his many and great contributions to Clan Egan.
For a downloadable copy please click here -> PDF
Posted November 2021
Clan Egan is pleased to announce that Katrina Egan has agreed to be our new Chief, Mac Aodhagáin and Taoiseach. Katrina is the eldest child of Michael J. S. Egan, who passed away on September 9, 2021 and had been our Chief for many years. Her commitment to the Clan has been long, and began with her accompanying her dad to many of the Rallies back to the very beginning of the Clan.
Katrina has been based in Switzerland not far from Geneva since 2001, and can be contacted at She is the proud mum of two lovely boys ages 19 and 17, elder in university and younger about to leave the nest, and is divorced.
Katrina graduated with honours from Trinity College Dublin in Mathematics (1992), and is on the Executive Team of a luxury watch company based in Switzerland. She travels extensively with her job in Human Resources. Like her father, Katrina is interested in walking (and a good chat). She laughs easily and enjoys meeting people from all over the world.
She was at the very first Egan Clan meeting in the 80’s at Redwood Castle with her dad when she was 10’ish! As she recalls, there were only about 30 of us at that Rally, and lots of tea!!
Katrina will receive support in Ireland from her brother Cormac Egan who will serve as our Vice President and Historian. Katrina will also be supported by all the other officers of Clan Egan, including Greg and Sue Egan in Australia and Larry Agin and Byron Egan in the USA.
We are still planning to have our next Clan Egan Rally around Brisbane in Queensland, Australia, in the summer of 2022 (probably in early July). Although our planning and making arrangements have been delayed by Covid-19 restrictions on international travel, we are optimistic that the situation will clarify such that we can advise you by the end of this year that more definitive plans have been made. In the interim, we would appreciate your advising Larry Agin at whether you plan to come to our Rally in Brisbane and how many would likely be in your party.
For a downloadable copy please click here -> PDF
Posted September 2021
Sad news about Michael J.S. Egan
Our Clan Mac Aodhagáin, Michael J.S. Egan passed away on September 9, 2021 and will be greatly missed by all in the Clan. The Funeral Mass will be livestreamed on Saturday, September 11 at 11 am Dublin time. Here is additional information.
PDF Link for below Vale Information
Posted March 2021
The 20th International gathering of the Clan Egan
The 2022 Clan Egan Rally will be held in and around Brisbane in Queensland, Australia . Brisbane is a popular tourist destination with easy access to the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas of Australia as well as being a business and education center.
Daily high temperatures in July average about 22 degrees Celsius or 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The city is about 900 KM (or 570 miles) north of Sydney (see map here).
The exact dates are yet to be determined but it will be in the weeks preceding July 4th. It is anticipated that the Rally will return to the short form of four days allowing ample time for travel either before or after the Rally.
Australia is vast, almost the same size as the continental US, and there are many places one can visit including many in Queensland.
Posted on December 23rd 2020
Dublin, Ireland
Dear members of Clan Egan,
When I drafted my Christmas greetings last year I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams all of the events which were soon to unfold. One after the other the horrors of COVID19 Pandemic, my own illness, Brexit and the economic chaos and the cancellation of the 2020 Egan Clan Rally in Ireland landed in our laps.
As we approach Christmas some of these items are still with us and we ask ourselves if they are they solvable in the immediate short term. Vaccines should solve the COVID19 disaster (at least in the long term). Boris and the EU may agree a trade agreement etc and my treatments will help my recovery. Lastly, the delayed 2020 Rally needs to be rescheduled.
I have had many thoughts about the next Egan Clan Rally and have discussed the matter with Byron Egan and Greg Egan. The bottom line seems to be that we are still unsure if June 2021 is not too early for the Rally as the COVID will still be around and people will be unsure of booking travel and accommodation, which many would be thinking of booking around now. The conclusion we have come to is that we should forget 2021 and instead plan for the Rally in Brisbane, Australia in 2022.
Some people may be interested in visiting Ireland in 2021 and we will prepare an itinerary of Egan-related places for them to visit during their stay.
I hope that you all have a COVID-free, safe, happy and healthy Christmas & New Year and that we will meet in 2022.
With very best wishes,
The HERITAGE section provides information on the Egan name, coat of arms, ancestral Redwood Castle, historical grave markers and links to ancient and recent manuscripts relating to the Clan.
The GENEALOGY section helps you learn about the Egan Family DNA project, how to access the vast document archives created by Michael JS Egan and links to search other Irish genealogical sources online.
Find stories and pictures of our bi-annual rallies around the world in the RALLIES section.
The ABOUT section clarifies the purpose of our Association and its various chapters.
BECOME A MEMBER provides the benefits of membership and tools to join our association so you can access our MEMBERS CORNER.